Attaining Your Goals Reading
Use this reading to assist in reaching, or possibly even defining your goals for the future.
Scroll down to learn the influence of each Animal Spirit. Click on the images to see larger versions.
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Issues to Address


Issues to Address

Primary Strength

Primary Weakness



Cougar has long been associated with leadership. Cougars are powerful, agile, and unhesitating. When Cougar attacks, he throws one hundred percent of himself into the pursuit. Although cougar is strong, he is also elusive -hard to spot in the wild-until he decides to pounce. His lesson to you today is one of being a balanced leader-not rushing into the attack, not always lurking in the brush.



Issues to Address


Ant is dutiful, patient, industrious and focused. If you ever put an obstacle in the middle of an ant trail, you’ll notice that ant will go over it, around it, or even under it-but ant will NOT let the obstacle drive him backwards. Above all, ant is a team player, and knows that if each member of the team does his assigned task, the team will succeed. Do you have goals that are best met by team effort? If so, get the other players off the bench and let them into your game.





Buffalo has come snorting into your life today to bring a message of great hope. Buffalo sacrificed every part of his physical body to support those who hunted him-but he also gave his spirit. And, it's that spirit of hope, abundance, and a bright future that he brings to you today. If you are experiencing a troubled journey, help is here.



Issues to Address


Hoard, hoard, hoard! Squirrel has been a busy fellow, gathering food for the long winter ahead-and he advises you to do the same. Have you set enough money aside to get you through lean times, or do you squander what you earn? We all love a shopping spree, but if Squirrel scurries into your reading, he's cautioning you to spend a little, but also save a little.



Primary Strength


Bat’s internal radar is exceptionally attuned-is yours? Because Bat medicine is the medicine of transformation, he is asking you to re-examine your life to determine (using all of your senses) what is worth keeping and what needs to be discarded. For every death there is a rebirth and Bat is here to help you decide what goes and what stays.



Primary Weakness


Bear represents a time of reflection and stillness-a time of entering the inner cave of Self to contemplate life's challenges. Bear often appears during times of confusion and unrest-those unsettling moments when you turn to everyone you know for answers-everyone except yourself. Go within, ask the hard questions-then listen.



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